Unparalleled Student Success

USMLEagle Prep has researched the field for years in order to obtain the materials for our textbooks to ensure that it is the one stop book for our students. We realize that your time is valuable so we have put in the work to allow you to focus your time into studying and not locating materials for your studies. Our books are the highest of yield materials in color to accompany the lectures. The faculty’s knowledge of the exam and understanding of how to analyze your results and practice exam is unmatched by any other program. Our physicians will work one on one with each student to ensure their success one step at a time. Our faculty includes MD’s that have taken Step 1, 2CK, and 3 in order to guide our students in the right direction. We are committed to offering the highest quality program with a unique individualized touch to ensure the success of each student is maximized to their potential. We offer smaller sized classes to ensure that each student gets the individualized attention that is necessary to continue on this journey.
Program Features
- Small Lecture Sizes
- Systems Based Fundamental Review (Step 1, 2CK, & 3)
- Step 1 Focused Drills (Pharmacology, Microbiology, Pathology)
- Step 2 CK & 3 Focused Drilling (Diagnostic Imaging & Management)
- Extra Class Sessions for Step 2 & 3
- Individualized One-On-One Tutoring
- Individualized Student Study Schedule
- Unique Question Approach to Maximize Scores
- Small Group “Focused” Drilling Sessions
- Prometric Design Computer Lab
- Diagnostic Exam
- Assessment of Strengths and Weaknesses
- Individualized Goal Directed Study Schedule
- Test Taking Skills and Strategies
- Anxiety/Stress Management
- High Yield Color Illustrated Textbooks
Education Center
Proven Results...
The USMLEagle Program delivers an unparalleled rate of success with a pass rate is > 98% with the majority of students scoring 85-99 (2 digit score) and 220-250 (3 digit score) respectively.

USMLEagle Prep is located in a state-of-the-art education facility in Orlando, Florida. Located just north of downtown Orlando, the education center features large lecture halls, student study areas, large computer labs, student lounges, and much more.
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Join thousands of students who have successfully passed the USMLE.